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theoretical derivation中文是什么意思

用"theoretical derivation"造句"theoretical derivation"怎么读"theoretical derivation" in a sentence


  • 理论推导


  • Theoretical derivation of hydrodynamic lubrication of porous metal bearing lubricatied with non - newtonian fluid
  • The range of air exchange rate of assembling cleanroom is deduced by theoretical derivation and experimental findings
  • Through the theoretical derivation and linear matrix inequality ( lmi ) , we obtain sufficient conditions for the robust stability of the closed - loop system
  • The resonance mechanism and conditions of the train - bridge system under moving trains are studied through theoretical derivations and example analyses
  • In this article , some results of the theoretical derivation and computational campaign performed to study the fluid instabilities in convergent geometry are presented
  • Being a kind of managerial method with high engineering practicality , the article usually analyses living examples and gives a useful presentation of theoretical derivation
  • According to equilibrium equations , geometric equations and constitutive equations , theoretical derivation of identifiability of back analysis was done when slope is in elastic state
  • Based on experimental results , the operation quality indexes of ratary tiller system are analysed with theoretical derivation . the importance of matching tractor and rotary tiller is discussed
  • According to the theoretical derivation of support vector machine training process , the training result is not compromised as long as all training examples satisfy the optimality condition before terminating
  • Base on the process of building physical model , theoretical derivation , mathematical simulation and experiments , a general optical measuring technique based on interference theory and spectrum measurement is presented
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"theoretical derivation"造句  
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